Up to 25% of new mothers suffer from postpartum depression, which can significantly impact their parenting behavior and the wellbeing of their children.
Practice Mindful EatingOne of the best ways to break the cycle of emotional eating is by practicing mindful eating habits. Mindful eating includes slowing down and paying attention to the sensory ...
3. Avoid fried and heavy foods: It becomes crucial to make mindful choices when it comes to eating food after the fast. Fried foods may look tempting after the long fast but it can cause acidity ...
The Japanese concept of "hara hachi bu," initially introduced by philosopher Ekiken Kaibara, promotes mindful eating and portion control by encouraging people to eat until they're 80% full.
Unlike many fad diets, intuitive eating does not require calorie counting or food tracking. It also does not restrict the type of food you eat. You are empowered to decide the kind of food you eat, ...
Mindful Eating and Portion or Ingredient Control If counting calories isn’t for you, consider other approaches like mindful eating. Here you utilize a hunger scale from 1 to 10, with 1 being famished ...
The participants were first introduced to automatic navigation and a self-controlled lifestyle and were then given mindfulness eating exercises. Introducing an automated navigation lifestyle to the ...