Metra tweeted that UP-NW train #629 was scheduled is stopped near Palatine after striking the vehicle. More information about ...
The Regional Transit Authority warned that COVID fund running out could lead to at least four of eight CTA train lines could close, as many as 74 of CTA’s 127 bus routes would be eliminated, leading c ...
More than half of Chicago’s bus routes could be eliminated, at least parts of four “L” lines could be shut down and Metra ...
CTA workers say they've reached a dire situation and are fighting for their jobs, if what was outlined in a grim report ...
With a public transit doomsday looming, two very different ways of increasing state revenues have emerged as the Illinois ...
The CTA, Metra and Pace are facing an impending budget gap when federal COVID-19 relief funding runs out next year. Transit ...
A CTA operator weighs in, readers warn of the dangers of three-street, six-corner intersections, and one specific spot gets ...
This and other local races — including for Aurora’s mayor, one of two alderman at-large seats and several other ward aldermen ...