Created from debris trails from Halley’s Comet, the eta Aquariids can be seen from both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres ...
There’s a bunch of meteor showers coming up this spring and an astronomer from Greenwich has the low down on how you can see ...
From a partial solar eclipse, to bright planets, and the end of the meteor shower 'drought', there is plenty to see in the ...
Meteorites are primarily stony chondrites, but also include iron-rich achondrites and pallasites. Studying meteors provides ...
The American Meteor Society adds that the Lyrids usually lack persistent trains but can produce "fireballs." A fireball "is ...
Warmer weather means more time to get outdoors and see what's above. A meteor shower that has been observed for 2,700 years ...
While celestial distractions are never hard to come by on clear evenings, meteor showers offer a different kind of temptation that encourages investment in a good blanket or chair and permission ...