Yanmar is set to officially launch a new organisation dedicated to advancing electrification in the compact off-highway segment. This new Electrification Unit, which will commence operations in April, ...
It won't just be the big horse racing stables travelling over to Cheltenham next week looking for success, with some of the smaller trainers in the country also hoping to get in on the act.
JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Yamaha Indonesia resmi memperkenalkan Gear Ultima, skutik baru dengan mesin 125cc Blue Core Hybrid. Skutik ini datang dengan konsep Multi-Purpose Scooter dari moddel Gear 125 ...
GTA 5 Enhanced Native Trainer is one of the most popular mods associated with this Rockstar Games title. It features various options that can help make the gameplay more fun, especially for those ...
Considering a new workout routine? A new yoga practice? Determined to use your recumbent bike for something other than hanging your clothes? Whatever the case, it never hurts to reconsider whether ...
Iwan, pemilik bengkel mobil Iwan Motor Solo mengatakan, Pertamax hasil blending dari Pertalite yang dilakukan pihak Pertamina belum ada kajian, seberapa dampak buruk terhadap mesin. “Belum ada bukti ...
KOMPAS.com - Saat mengisi bahan bakar di SPBU Pertamina, kamu mungkin sering mendapati berbagai pilihan jenis bahan bakar minyak (BBM) yang tersedia. Lalu, apa saja jenis BBM Pertamina yang bisa kamu ...
tirto.id - Mesin diesel merupakan salah satu alternatif dari mesin bensin dalam industri otomotif. Keunggulan mesin ini adalah, komponen diesel memiliki ketahanan yang tinggi dan efisiensi bahan bakar ...
When unfavorable weather—be it rain, extreme heat, or snow—complicates outdoor running, treadmills offer a controlled and reliable option. Even if you have time constraints or just seek the ...
What is the Training Needs List? The Training Needs List reports the courses and skill sets subsidised by the Victorian Government under Skills First. It includes programs that: align with industry ...