The exoplanet in question is WASP-121b ... the researchers write that they successfully used the VLT to create a 3D map of WASP-121b's atmosphere, allowing them to see how gas moves about the ...
This discovery by Webb provides strong evidence that the giant planets in HR 8799 formed through core accretion, much like ...
Named HD 20794 D, the newly discovered exoplanet orbits a star similar to the Sun, and researchers believe it may be able to sustain liquid water, which is vital for life, as we know it ...
(CNN) — After decades of searching, astronomers have uncovered some of the strongest evidence yet of exoplanets orbiting Barnard’s Star, the nearest single star system to Earth. The four ...
An illustration of one of Barnard’s Star's four exoplanets. © Illustration by International Gemini Observatory/NOIRLab/NSF/AURA/R. Proctor/J. Pollard Astronomers ...
However, the first exoplanet, and five more that followed in the first half of 1996, qualified only as distant cousins. Because the technique that revealed them could find only massive planets ...