Monitoring the Mental Health Act is our annual report on the use of the Mental Health Act 1983 (MHA). It looks at how providers are caring for patients, and whether patients' rights are being ...
SINGAPORE – In a bid to tackle falling birth rates, an ageing population and a manpower shortage, the Home Team is using technology and artificial intelligence (AI) to transform itself.
It takes place in a world where most of the population has some type of quirk (superpower), and it focuses on Izuku Midoriya ... as the majority of individuals in MHA are born with their ...
During the MHA budget debate on 4 March, Second Minister for Home Affairs Josephine Teo said the ministry expanded APO recruitment beyond Singapore, Malaysia, and Taiwan due to manpower shortages. As ...
Bane is not a story boss but rather a carefully hidden optional boss that you need to defeat to unlock the Invader Archetype in Remnant 2. Bane is an Abberation, which is basically a beefed-up ...