HARGA JORAN - Ratusan aparatur sipil negara (ASN) di lingkungan Pemerintah Kabupaten Sragen mengikuti lomba memancing di kolam Taman Sukowati Sragen, Sabtu (14/5/2022) TRIBUNJATENG.COM - Joran pancing ...
TRIBUNJATENG.COM - Joran pancing menjadi salah satu alat penting dalam memancing. Joran sendiri merupakan tongkat panjang digunakan untuk melempar umpan ke perairan, mengarahkan tarikan ikan serta ...
DENPASAR, BALIPOST.com – Bercermin dari perayaan Nyepi tahun lalu, taman pancing menjadi area yang lepas dari kendali sehingga terjadi pasar tumpah. Maka dari itu, titik rawan saat Nyepi telah ...
Lukah McKenzie, a talented18 year old basketball player from Brixton, has launched a crowdfunding appeal to pay for urgent surgery to fix an injury that is preventing him from furthering his career.
Thomasville police are investigating claims that a teacher abused a three-year-old boy, Lukah. His mother, Chasity Small, said her son came home from his first day of school with bruises and ...
“Lukah is a ball of joy but at the same time, he is a very rambunctious kid,” said Small. “Took him there at 7:45, got him in, he was happy, he was excited.” Burchett states that he ...
Meskipun sudah terkenal, Kiesha Alvaro masih menjadi sasaran oknum penipu berkedok tawaran casting. Kiesha nyaris kena tipu dengan iming-iming honor besar. Putra sulung Pasha dan Okie Agustina itu ...
THOMASVILLE, N.C. (WGHP) — A Thomasville child care facility was forced to close its doors amid allegations of assault at the facility. The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services ...
"He had blood all over his shirt from front and back," Chasity Small recalled. Lukah told his mother that a teacher was responsible. "He was able to name the teacher and he was able to tell me ...