You need not punish yourself, holding your head so low, wearing your muddy boots into your house.Your Father is waiting to welcome you home and wash you with his gentle mercies. You are not a burden, ...
Brethren, we are welcome to the month of the Trinity. Why?   It’s because the Trinity is the anchor of Christianity.   We ...
In mid-March this year, Jews and many Christians alike will be celebrating Purim, the events in Jewish history where Queen ...
Sunday's Gospel reading in the Anglican Book of Common Prayer describes the kind of person every professing Christian should aspire to be.
Ash Wednesday is a yearly reminder about one’s beginnings/one’s end, one’s short life/ mortality and one’s eternal life/immortality, and one’s present/temporal as well as one’s future/eternal dwelling ...
The ability to love each and every one of his people so that he can convey their messages to Hashem was one of utmost ...
The first day of March is St David’s Day. Who was St David and why is he the patron saint of Wales? This is the story ...
Since the National Day of Prayer last Thursday ... "For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea. (Habakkuk 2:14 NIV)." The verse they cited ...
Al and I are official “Snowbirds” now, after fleeing the frigid Michigan weather for a week-long cruise in the Bahamas. When ...
A new Lord's Prayer Tour led by Archbishop of York, Stephen Cottrell has been launched, starting with a Choral Evensong ...