Lara Gibson moved to Spain shortly after giving birth to her first born. She now wants to have a second child because of how ...
A Somerset couple who moved to Spain haven't followed the trend of buying property on the coast, and in rural Spain they've ...
A British couple from Somerset is part of a small but growing wave of Britons turning their backs on the Spanish hot spots of ...
Pere Joan, a spokesperson and organiser for Menys Turisme Més Vida, has explained how campaigners are planning to get their ...
Four years after her husband died suddenly in 2018, Maria Robertson-Justiniano and her son Lucas relocated to Valencia, Spain ...
Reflecting on his Spain U-turn after motoring back to the ... Barrymore revealed his new life plan after returning to the UK just under a month into his Barcelona stay. During his time in ...
We all know that Spain is a land of sunshine, golden beaches and tapas. But there are aspects of Spanish life that aren't so well publicised, as revealed on Reddit by foreigners who settled there ...
However, she’s trying to reduce her electricity consumption. Some people confessed they think life in Spain is getting more expensive though, as one wrote: "I completely agree, and some people ...