When Jacobson was still pregnant with Verity, a common phrase she heard from doctors was that trisomy 18 was “incompatible ...
There is cruelty in our dealings with dogs and horses. This himsa is also entering Indian life. The sacred Upanishad rightly says: "Ahimsa is yajna, true sacrifice." Surely, true religion should ...
In principle, Catholic Christians believe that all life is sacred from conception until natural death, and the taking of innocent human life, whether born or unborn, is morally wrong. The Church ...
Benjamin Franklin wrote what is considered to be his last great quote, a saying about the Constitution and life that proved true for him about five months later. Writing to a French scientist, ...
But even it specifies the children of Jacob, not Ishmael, as considering every life sacred. And what drives this hostage deal is that, for Jacob, every person is a unique child of God, made in His ...
Sanctity of life close sanctity of lifeThe belief that life is precious or sacred, because humans are made ‘in God’s image’. For many religious believers, only human life holds this special ...