John Adams, a graduate student at the University of California, during the preparation of his thesis, asked the ChatGPT ...
Following the polite tradition of “ladies first,” l ast week’s Time Machine was about Iowa poet Ethel Penningroth. In ...
NPR's Scott Simon asks Robert Littell about Leon Trotsky's time living in the Bronx. Littell is the author of "Bronshtein in the Bronx." ...
On January 15, VTsIOM published its assessment of Russians' knowledge of history — the results turned out to be contradictory ...
Trump’s second term (2025-2028) policies are speculative at this point, as they haven’t been fully defined, but we can draw ...
Following the Bolshevik Revolution, Russia is engulfed in a gigantic civil war. Lenin and the Reds hope to forge a new Soviet ...
Biographies showcase lessons on leadership and vision from influential 20th-century leaders in various fields.
Advertisement Ill for many months, the Bolshevik leader died while others carried on the soviet government he founded. Lenin had become an enigma to his countrymen, living in seclusion ...
WASHINGTON, Jan. 23, 1924 (UP) - The sudden death of Nikolai Lenin, who was perhaps the greatest single force in the Bolshevik revolution and the subsequent soviet government, will not cause any ...
On Jan. 21, 2020, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention confirmed the United States' first known case of novel coronavirus -- what would later come to be known as COVID-19.
He claimed modern Ukraine was “entirely and fully created by Russia, more specifically the Bolshevik, communist Russia… This process began practically immediately after the 1917 revolution, and ...