As Hari Raya approaches, Zuraini Aman is on a mission to pass down the art of ketupat weaving to her children.
A novel biomimetic method replicates leaf skeleton microstructures, enhancing flexible electronics with improved durability and environmental sustainability.
Long before laboratories and clinical trials, indigenous healers recognized the extraordinary properties of miracle leaf.
Spring leaf out is occurring earlier than average in northern states due to a warm March. Find out where your county ranks.
By using leaf skeletons as templates, researchers harnessed nature's intrinsic hierarchical fractal structures to improve the ...
By using leaf skeletons as templates, researchers harnessed nature's intrinsic hierarchical fractal structures to improve the ...
An Aston University researcher has conducted the first experimental demonstration of intricate and previously theorised ...
I am almost done with my spite sweater. I mentioned my spite sweater in a recent column. I joined a knit-along in January to ...
While researchers have long been familiar with the surface structure of lymphatic vessels, a groundbreaking study has now focused on their jigsaw puzzle-like pattern. This arrangement helps cells ...
Kyushu University researchers created a model to study how sunlight affects plants under different weather conditions.