Animal biotechnology is a branch of biotechnology in which molecular biology techniques are used to genetically engineer (i.e. modify the genome of) animals in order to improve their suitability ...
El primer ministro de Australia y el ministro del Interior han cargado duramente contra Sam Jones por crear un escándalo a ...
Animal physiology is the scientific study of the life-supporting properties, functions and processes of animals or their parts. The discipline covers key homeostatic processes, such as the ...
The States of Guernsey asks residents not to feed the animal as it could delay efforts to catch it. A non-native grey squirrel on the loose in Guernsey "appears to be healthy", rescuers say.
Una cuenta de infarto. Esto es lo que se encontró el periodista australiano Peter Lalor tras lo que pensaba que iba a ser echarse una cerveza tranquilamente en el bar al cierre de una dura ...
The ever-growing field of animal healing called zoopharmacognosy refers to behaviors animals use to medicate themselves or their relatives by ingesting or topically applying plants, soils ...
Néstor Gorosito se pronunció con determinación ante las críticas de los medios argentinos tras la eliminación de Boca Juniors en la Copa Libertadores, donde Alianza Lima avanzó por penales.
El 27 de febrero de 1989 se produjo la última rebelión popular del siglo XX venezolano. Es una afirmación como una lápida y, sin embargo, nada impresionante. Estamos viviendo el siglo XXI.
Animals' unique abilities to predict natural disasters have amazed scientists for centuries. Dogs, elephants, fish, toads, cats, birds, cows, and snakes show unusual behaviors before earthquakes ...
Are there any animals with mental disabilities? – Adria G. Max was a fun-loving Labrador retriever who enjoyed going for car rides and greeting clients at his owner’s office. But around age 16 ...
Copyright 2025 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. Protesters against the Dakota Access oil pipeline congregate, Nov. 21, 2016, on a long-closed bridge on a ...
They are also the rare animal species where males do the majority of infant care. Female cassowaries lay eggs and then leave the nest, so males incubate the eggs and then raise the young chicks.