Black Dog, long-métrage primé à Cannes, explore la relation touchante entre un ex-détenu et un chien errant dans un western moderne chinois. À travers leur périple, le film dévoile aussi une critique ...
But on a warm afternoon in December, 77 of these animals were captured near the town of Alpine and hauled back home to build ...
Cassy the mountain lion, named for the Cascade Mountains where she was found orphaned as a cub in 2007, died at her Kansas zoo at 17 years old.
Rosie Bunny Bean is proud to partner with LA Animal Services and The Eastsider to get shelter dogs adopted and into good ...
A previously unknown study of reclining lions by Eugène Delacroix is estimated at up to €300,000 and will go to the block ...
Someone cut off the head of a sea lion in Northern California and rode off with it in a bag. Authorities are now offering $20 ...
The Shingle Springs resident was reviewing their surveillance camera trained on their doggy door when they noticed the visitor.
La lionne Elsa, née au zoo refuge La Tanière, a été opérée avec succès des ovaires, mardi 11 mars 2025, par l’équipe de la clinique des Sablons à Chartres.
Middle reliever Hunter Strickland has agreed to a minor league contract with Texas and will report to the Rangers’ big league spring training camp.
Une association de défense des animaux dénonce le départ d'une des deux panthères de l'Amour du parc de la Tête d'Or, envoyée ...
A baby sea lion toting an artificial kelp strip was filmed performing intricate rhythmic gymnastics-esque circles through the ...
L’avant-première d’une nouvelle pièce, tirée de L’histoire du zoo, écrite en 1959 par le dramaturge américain Edward Albee ...