Universal Studios Singapore memiliki sekitar 24 wahana, pertunjukan, dan atraksi yang dapat dinikmati oleh pengunjung ...
Pecinta ikan dapat menjadikan hiu sebagai hewan peliharaan unik. Dari varietas ukuran hingga tingkat energi yang beragam, hiu ...
KALENDER MARET 2025 - Kalender bulan Maret 2025 yang diedit menggunakan Canva (Canva.com), Minggu (02/03/2025). Tanggal 2 Maret bukan hanya sekadar hari biasa, melainkan sebuah momen penting yang ...
Bengal adalah kucing berukuran sedang dengan ekor tebal dan tubuh panjang, hasil persilangan antara kucing leopard liar dan domestik. Toyger adalah hasil persilangan Bengal dan kucing liar India, ...
BANGKOK (Reuters) - Hundreds of foreign nationals pulled out of scam compounds in Myanmar during a crackdown on centres run by criminal gangs have little food, scant healthcare and filthy toilets ...
Copyright 2025 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. More than 7,000 people from across the world are being held in a Myanmar border town as they await a return ...
A China-led crackdown on online fraud rescued thousands from Myanmar this month. But this massive business of grift keeps growing. By Hannah Beech Hannah Beech reported from Mae Sot, Thailand ...
Kucing memang hewan yang menggemaskan. Namun, apabila tidak hati-hati, Anda bisa terluka akibat dicakar kucing dengan kukunya yang tajam. Lantas, apakah cakaran kucing berbahaya? Meski luka dicakar ...
WASHINGTON — A sweeping crackdown led by authorities from Thailand, China and Myanmar has dismantled scam centers along the Thai-Myanmar border and freed thousands from nearly 30 countries, but ...
The Ethiopian, who calls himself Mike, said he is being held with 450 others in a building inside Myanmar, along the country's border with Thailand. They are among the thousands of people who have ...
Zeya says the money he received was enough to pay off his debts and buy some land "I just wanted to own a house and pay off my debts - that's why I decided to sell my kidney," says Zeya, a farm ...