FJ diamankan lantaran diduga terlibat kasus pencabulan anak di bawah umur. "Kami dari Kompolnas juga kita turunkan untuk langsung mengawasi proses penanganan di sana," kata Budi Gunawan, dalam jumpa ...
Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) mengalami tekanan hari ini. Posisinya bahkan sudah berada di bawah level 6.500. Berdasarkan data RTI, Kamis (27/2/2025), IHSG ditutup di level 6.485,4 atau turun 120 ...
At the time of its cancellation last October, Kaos fans were upset that they wouldn't be getting another instalment of the eccentric Greek mythology series. With fans critical of Netflix's ...
Kaos, the Greek mythology comedy starring Jeff Goldblum, was Netflix’s most-watched canceled series in the second half of last year. The series scored 20.3M views in that six-month period.
GAYA SELVI ANANDA - Intip gaya Selvi Ananda kala pergi nyalon, kenakan barang branded dari atas sampai bawah. Pakai kaos Hermes seharga Rp 11 juta. TRIBUNSTYLE.COM - Sosok Selvi Ananda, istri Wakil ...
Salah satu keluhan umum saat hamil tersebut adalah nyeri perut bagian bawah. Meski terbilang wajar, kondisi tersebut tentu membuat Ibu tidak nyaman atau bahkan mengganggu aktivitas sehari-hari. Tak ...
The Department of Design is a diverse community of competent, creative and responsible individuals. In design, we appreciate technical skill, social significance and artistic expression. We educate ...