Cover crops like millet, sorghum, and black-eyed peas have been successful at the botanic gardens. They improve water ...
Non-native plants are those not originating in this country, but also those not native to a specific ecosystem.
There are 42 varieties of Superbells, six of which are Punch selections: Superbells Pomegranate Punch, Grape Punch, Tangerine ...
Planting beautiful flowers and shrubs alongside forsythia can enhance your garden's appeal, and these 25 plants will help you create a harmonious landscape.
All of these rusts release the bright rusty-orange spores once spring weather becomes mild and damp, often around late March ...
As the earth awakens from its winter slumber, the allure of fresh, homegrown produce beckons many to try their hand at ...
Philadelphia-area gardeners may turn to tropical plants as dramatic additions to their home gardens. The prime time to plant ...
Houseplants are not only for interior decorating. The interest in houseplants greatly increased during the COVID-19 pandemic ...
Humans aren't the only ones looking forward to fresh fruit in the spring. Squirrels and opossums often grab the best bite ...
Why does it feel so good to be in a garden? The latest collaboration with USA Today shares the plants, people and stories of ...
Rocks are among the fundamental elements of large and small Japanese garden ideas, where they represent mountains. Even in a ...