College basketball fans are one week away from the start of March Madness. While there are still plenty of things that need ...
When Russia invaded Ukraine, Alisa Kovalenko enlisted to defend her country, leaving her husband and 5-year-old son behind, ...
DEAR MISS MANNERS: Sometimes people enthusiastically tell me something they think I don’t know, particularly about my areas ...
In today's Dear Annie column, Annie hears from a reader whose neighbor started out bullying and now has become an even bigger ...
I gave him meals, but he constantly pestered me for bread, milk, coffee, and tea, none of which he would ever return. He had ...
I moved into my bungalow six months ago. My new neighbor, we’ll call him “Jeremy,” who I share a very thin party wall with, ...
Yesterday, Jeremy was in his garden when another neighbor overheard him bullying me for using the bathroom, calling me a ...
Dear Trapped: I’m so sorry you’re going through this. Jeremy’s behavior is flat-out harassment and would be absolutely unacceptable anywhere; the fact you’re enduring it in your own home -- a place ...
I moved into my bungalow six months ago. My new neighbor, we’ll call him “Jeremy,” who I share a very thin party wall with, ...
"He’s abrasive, shouting obscenities at neighbors he believes are targeting him. I thought it best to stay on his good side, but the truth is, he’s a bully." ...
He is causing me a lot of stress, and I’m starting to have thoughts of self-harm. I really can’t afford to move and don’t know what to do.
I gave him meals, but he constantly pestered me for bread, milk, coffee, and tea, none of which he would ever return. He had a mold problem, and I felt sorry for him, so I bought him a new bed and ...