Guild Wars 2 digs deep into the franchise's robust history in the Mistburned Barrens, the new zone added in the Janthir Wilds ...
expectations for "The Ice Brood Saga" were at an all-time high. With a beautiful trailer, a promising prelude in the ...
ArenaNet confirms that the sixth expansion to its long-running MMORPG, Guild Wars 2, has been pushed back from its initial ...
Guild Wars 2 reveals a collection of cosmetics, consumables, and account upgrades players can get as Twitch Drops to celebrate the Repentance update.
Janthir Wilds is the second expansion for Guild Wars 2 since they moved to an annual release cadence for new content. Each expansion will have three free q ...
Guild Wars 2's Janthir Wilds content drop, Repentance, adds a brand new region to GW2, and brings back some old Relics with fresh twists.