Orchids have long been loved by indoor plant collectors. Their exotic flowers bring elegance and sophistication to interiors and they're perfect additions to different rooms in the home.
Like all houseplants, orchids require sunlight, watering and fertiliser to grow to their fullest potential. Another factor ...
Aside from their aesthetic appeal, orchids require minimal care — so long as its conditions are met. The tropical plant is ...
Orchids are a beautiful and exotic houseplant but they can be difficult to encourage to bloom multiple times - but it turns ...
Gardening pro Graham Smith (MCIHort – a member of the Chartered Institute of Horticulture) revealed exclusively to Express.co ...
Orchids are grouped into two general divisions. Epiphytic orchids naturally grow on trees in the tropics. Trees are used for support. Water and nutrients come from rain, bird droppings and organic ...
A woman took to social media to ask for the "best" way to water orchids, which can be quite tricky to get right. Thankfully, ...
I was inspired to try growing orchids after attending the Garden’s Orchid Show last week and would like some advice regarding the three plants I just purchased. — Emily Heideman, Chicago ...
Give your orchid a nutritional boost by spritzing its leaves during the growing season with a mixture of 2 tablespoons of Epsom salt to a gallon of water. The magnesium and calcium in the Epsom salt ...
They require less light than many other orchids. (Veronica Lorson Fowler) The toughest part about growing orchids might be trying to remember their names. There are thousands of different types ...
Kobe University botanist Suetsugu Kenji says, "I've always been intrigued by how orchids turn parasitic. Why would a plant give up its reliance on photosynthesis and instead 'steal' from fungi?" ...