This was waterfowling and pheasant-hunting country; breed-wise, you rarely saw anything except Labrador retrievers, German shorthaired pointers, and Brittanys, in those days still called Brittany ...
The German Shorthaired Pointer is one of the most versatile ... This acute olfactory ability is essential for successful hunts. Traditionally bred to hunt birds, particularly pheasants, these spaniels ...
Yet, even well-bred, duck or pheasant retrieving ... a well-trained shed-hunting dog will add to your winter total. But it generally won’t out-hunt you over a long enough timeframe. Think of the best ...
Authorities in Ontario, Canada, are investigating a case involving two German shepherds that were shot and killed on residential property during an apparent coyote hunt. The dogs, Hank and Mary ...
will be released for the final two weeks of pheasant hunting season, which ends on Feb. 28. The birds were purchased from a private sector supplier, raised on game commission farms, and held in ...
The commission purchases chicks each spring to raise for hunting purposes. However, “during the 2024 production season, we requested our supplier to raise additional pheasants to be held through ...
Authorities in Ontario, Canada, are investigating a case involving two German shepherds that were shot and killed on residential property during an apparent coyote hunt. The dogs, Hank and Mary Jane, ...