Scientists uncover surprising evidence that the Kerguelen hotspot, responsible for the 5,000-kilometer-long Ninetyeast Ridge, ...
A park scientist noticed it about two weeks after a hydrothermal explosion along a boardwalk during the park’s overactive ...
According to the Yellowstone Volcano Observatory, it’s probable that this new hydrothermal feature is connected to activity ...
NASA have scientists discovered an unusual rock formation on the surface of Mars which could provide some insights into the ...
If you are planning on driving in Yellowstone National Park when most of its roads open in April, you could drive by one of ...
Anatolia, the western part of modern-day Turkey that sits at the crossroads of Asia, Africa, and Europe, is a fossil-rich ...
A new thermal vent spewing steam in the air at Yellowstone National Park is gaining attention, mainly because it’s visible ...
A 30,000-year-old vulture fossil was found in volcanic rock. Scientists discovered microscopic feather details preserved in ...
Looking southeast at the hydrothermal feature that formed in August 2024 just north of Nymph Lake. Steam is emanating from a ...
Experts analyzed satellite imagery of planetary surface cracks and compared them with Earth's geologic features, searching ...
Source: Deltares, Utrecht University, TNO Netherlands Geological Service, Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ), University of Leeds, University of ...