That's probably because there's a generational gap of experience. Because they're older, or younger, it seems you share no common ground. Or do you? In the following essays and interactive poll ...
In Ancient Athens this generation gap resulted in a bloody power grab ... The biggest divide was a result of Darwin’s evolutionary theory. When older generations fail to adapt to technology ...
The generation gap in American politics is now wider than it has been in decades and still growing, as younger generations are increasingly embracing liberal values and Democratic candidates, the Pew ...
Tech companies are addressing the generational gap in the workforce, as offices now feature Baby Boomers, Gen X, Millennials, ...
Launched in 2019, Happy Ageing in Peng Chau recruits volunteers to assist the island’s elderly with daily tasks and help bridge the generation gap between seniors and younger individuals.
That's probably because there's a generational gap of experience. Because they're older, or younger, it seems you share no common ground. Or do you? In the following essays and interactive poll ...