For their study, the researchers compared populations of blue mussel (Mytilus sp.) and amphipods (Gammarus locusta and Gammarus salinus) from the Kiel Fjord, which is heavily influenced by humans ...
Urban habitats are very different from natural habitats and pose new challenges for animals and plants. Until now, little was known about how populations of the same species evolve in habitats ...
This important study uses a comprehensive observational dataset to provide solid evidence on how genetic diversity and species diversity differentially affect multiple ecosystem functions within and ...
This important study provides empirical evidence of the effects of genetic diversity and species diversity on ecosystem functions across multi-trophic levels in an aquatic ecosystem. The support for ...
I am a fish and crustacean physiologist. My research interests are focused in three main areas: 1) A better understanding on how fishing and aquaculture practices impact the physiology of fish and ...