The fossils — which may date back to 1.4 million years — were nicknamed “Pink” in honor of iconic rock band Pink Floyd.
This NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope image features the globular cluster NGC 2005. It's not an unusual globular cluster in and of itself, but it is a peculiarity when compared to its surroundings.
A filmic essay that relates the aesthetic representation of dinosaurs with the history of capitalism, with the dinosaur as a figure of the imaginary that is shaped according to political ...
This grass spikelet from the middle Cretaceous is about 100 million years old, preserved in amber as the earliest fossil ever found of the evolution of grass, and is covered on its tip by the ...
A piece of ancient amber found in a small Burmese village holds preserved remains that indicate this family of insects survived longer than the Early Cretaceous, as previously believed. A former ...
Fossil of the hatchling of Priscomyzon, from the Late Devonian around 360 million years ago. The hatchling is already equipped with large eyes and toothed sucker, which in modern lampreys only ...