With spring in Connecticut comes the persistent whine and pungent exhaust fumes of gas-powered leaf blowers as they prepare ...
The blaze spread quickly due to the house being packed with items stacked to the ceiling, according to Deputy Chief Jonathan ...
Officials say no one was inside the house when the fire broke out. They were able to pull out two dogs to safety.
Ruth Carnovi, director of advocacy for the American Lung Association, cites data from California, where electric leaf blowers ...
Democrats have been sniping at each other in public since Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer helped pass a Republican ...
NEWPORT, Vt. (AP) — Business owners from both sides of the U.S ... It's the fifth standalone Starbucks in West Hartford. “All ...
What I’m concerned with the most here is life safety,” said Second Assistant Chief of the Fire Department (MFD), Bill ...
Which are the largest cities in Vermont? And how many cities does this state have? Discover more about the population in ...
The time is now to build your EDITH (exit drills in the home) plan and check your smoke detectors, advised Second Assistant ...
Friends and neighbors of Taylor Binnington, who died in a car crash in Vermont over the weekend, said he was 'incredibly kind ...
Fire officials said three people were able to make it out of the home safely when the fire broke out, including a child.
FIRE, ICE EXPLOSION ... on a train bridge over the White River just outside of White River Junction in Hartford, Vermont.