Eavesdropping on baleen whale songs in the Pacific Ocean reveals year-to-year variations that track changes in the availability of the species they forage on, reports a new study led by John Ryan, of ...
With a call as loud as a large ship, fin whales (Balaenoptera physalus) are among the noisiest creatures in the sea. For some seismologists who monitor earthquakes by recording seafloor vibrations, ...
New video shows a dead whale that washed ashore in Delaware. Drone pilot RITTER Dragonfly Dronography released a video of the dead whale just north of the Delaware Memorial Bridge in the Delaware ...
The 47-foot fin whale that washed up on the Anchorage mudflats in November, drawing hundreds of visitors and becoming a citywide phenomenon, has found a permanent home at a Wasilla museum. Remains of ...
They have large, rounded pectoral fins and a unique, variable gray or white “saddle patch” behind their large dorsal fin ... Sound, Juan de Fuca Strait, Haro Strait and Georgia Strait, occasionally ...