Designer Feng Chen Wang's goal is to always elevate and develop the next generation of leaders. "When hiring my team, I don't alienate, I strive to work with the best people for the job and create ...
I was awarded my BSc, Mphil and PhD in computer science at Nankai University, Dalian University of Technology and De Montfort University in 1991, 1994 and 2007. My PhD thesis focuses on modernising ...
A new study published in Engineering explores the significance of mixing intensification in advanced materials manufacturing.
Chen Ming Feng is an artist who was born in 1957. How much does a Chen Ming Feng cost? The maker's first piece to be offered at auction was "Smiling seated child" at Pierre Bergé & Associates Paris in ...
The world of basketball is filled with stories of young talent breaking through the competition, and this year, one name that has emerged is Zhang Chen Zhi Feng of the Liaoning men's basketball team.
Designer Feng Chen Wang’s goal is to always elevate and develop the next generation of leaders. “When hiring my team, I don’t alienate, I strive to work with the best people for the job and create a ...