Utilising the snappily titled Sunton ESP32-2432S028 EVB, based around the Espressif ESP32-WROVER-32 module and a generic ... stored as plain text files on an SD card, so moving from one physical ...
Tarlogic found hidden Bluetooth HCI commands in the ESP32 that could comprise its security by allowing read/write to the RAM ...
The ESP32 (Espressif32) is a system-on-chip (SoC) developed by Espressif Systems. It’s the big brother of the ESP8266 ...
Specifically, we were interested in exactly what the RISC-V core brought to the table, and ran the module through power and speed comparisons with the ESP32 and ESP8266 — and it beats them both ...
NextPCB has started offering free PCBA prototypes for PCB designs based on the ESP32-S3 wireless microcontroller following a ...