Der Schauspieler und Kabarettist Ernst Hilbich ist im Alter von 93 Jahren gestorben. Bekannt wurde er unter anderem durch den Karnevalsschlager "Heut' ist Karneval in Knieritz an der Knatter" und ...
Traurige Nachricht von Ernst Hilbich. Laut Bild starb der TV-Star am frühen Dienstagabend in seinem Haus in Köln. Er verstarb an den Folgen einer Lungenentzündung. Seine Nichte Miriam Krekel ...
Joni Ernst, R-Iowa. “USAID was wasting tax dollars like it was going out of style,” Ernst, who chairs the Senate DOGE Caucus focused on rooting out waste and abuse from the federal government ...
The simplest and most effective way Grassley and Sen. Joni Ernst can express displeasure with anything President Donald Trump, Elon Musk and his Department of Government Efficiency do is to ...
Ernst Roets has announced his resignation from Solidarity. He was the Head of Policy at the Solidarity Movement and the Executive Director of the Afrikaner Foundation. Taking to social media on ...
Head of policy at the Solidarity Movement Ernst Roets has resigned from the Afrikaner group, saying he is going to live out his calling and make a greater contribution outside the movement.
WASHINGTON (KCRG) - Iowa Senator Joni Ernst, who is the Senate DOGE Caucus Chair, introduced two bills Monday that she says will ensure tax dollars are used to benefit all Americans instead of ...
Iowa GOP Sen. Joni Ernst on Monday introduced two bills that look to prevent taxpayer money from going to presidential campaigns, and reduce presidential compensation packages, in order to help bring ...
Dass viele First Ladys ihren Job an den Nagel hängen, ist nichts Ungewöhnliches. Britta Ernst zählt jedoch nicht dazu. Von 2014 bis 2017 war Olaf Scholz Ehefrau Bildungsministerin in ...
Kurz vor der Bundestagswahl redet Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz selten privat über seine Ehe mit Britta Ernst. Was war der schönste Moment in ihrem Leben, Herr Scholz? Als er diesen Satz im BUNTE ...
Jimmy Jerome Meisner was born in Pueblo Colorado on July 12, 1954, to Samuel Meisner and Clara Weigel. Jim left us on February 26, 2021 in Canon City, Colorado. He is preceded in death by his son ...