Left off publications due to Nazi prejudice, this Jewish woman lost her rightful place in the scientific pantheon as the ...
For Marcela Carena, her life’s work started as a little girl on the Pampas of Argentina, looking up at the Milky Way.. Her ...
On March 2, 1995, the top quark discovery at Fermilab was announced by scientists on the CDF and DZero collaborations, and ...
From the discovery of gravity to the first mission to defend Earth from an asteroid, here are the most important physics ...
Contributed by John P. Perdew; received September 12, 2024; accepted January 23, 2025; reviewed by Filipp Furche, Robert O. Jones, and Hannes Jonsson ...
The film explores the life of Enrico Fermi, a pivotal figure in atomic physics. It details his humble beginnings in Italy, his education at prestigious institutions, and his innovative ...
Institute of Physics, Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Informatics, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, ul. Grudzia̧dzka 5, 87-100 Toruń, Poland ...
Altre interessanti novità faranno incuriosire non poco i tantissimi fan della nota soap opera. Stando alle anticipazioni, nell’episodio di domani Tancredi si lascerà sfuggire alcune personali ...
An experiment bludgeoning special lead atoms with high-speed particles has revealed a shocking surprise. Far from the perfect sphere physicists from the University of Surrey expected to find, the ...
I funerali si terranno venerdì 28 febbraio Si è spento all’età di 85 anni Enrico Comerio imprenditore, titolare, insieme al fratello Carlo, della Rodolfo Comerio, azienda di Solbiate Olona leader ...