Locked down in the English countryside during the pandemic, a writer finds an abandoned juvenile hare. An unusual ...
Mad as a March hare,” goes the old English saying. We even have the timeless March Hare from Lewis Caroll’s “Alice’s ...
If your butcher joints the hare for you, ask for the blood to be saved and use it to enrichen the stew or sauce or as an essential ingredient in the old English favourite, jugged hare. Available ...
The Hare boasts to the other animals about how fast he can run. When none of them responds to his challenge for a race he taunts them that they are too scared to even try. When the Tortoise then ...
When the world locks down, Ms. Dalton writes in “Raising Hare,” she returns to the rural English landscape of her childhood summers but feels pinned down and struggles with the change of pace.