The new Dreadnought-class submarines will soon prowl the globe's oceans, cutting silently under the waves while carrying ...
Britain has laid the keel for the Royal Navy's largest-ever submarine. At BAE Systems's Barrow-in-Furness facility, the ...
BRITAIN’S new behemoth submarines equipped with lethal torpedoes, nuclear missiles and stealthy rudders are being built – in ...
HMS Dreadnought will also contain 42.5 kilometres of piping, 13,000 electrical items and over 347 kilometres of cables on board. While possessing 12 nuclear Trident 2 D5 missiles, the sub can also ...
The Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND) held a national demonstration at BAE Shipyard in Barrow on Saturday. Around 80 people turned out for the protest with some beeps also heard from some passing ...
Former ministers are calling on the government to split spending on Trident and other nuclear capabilities from the rest of the defence budget ...
The diesel-electric sub has to almost surface now and again to run its diesel ... They were referring to the new naval dreadnought, the fast, armoured, powerful battleships that eventually the Royal ...
SO one of the UK’s ageing nuclear weapon submarines has completed a record tour of 204 days. The Navy has increased the length of ...