A new task force is helping to draft a bill that would authorize a trap-neuter-return policy to help control Guam's stray dog ...
Dogs got the nickname “man’s best friend” for a reason. They are loyal and lovable, but also hardworking. Created in 2006, ...
Calling all dog owners! Sol Dog Lodge and Training Center recently opened their new location in Marana after years of working to make it a reality.
In June, a devastating dog mauling left Avery Russell fighting for her life. Now she said she's ready to help other kids ...
When avalanches strike, Deer Valley Ski Resort's Ski Patrol brings in its furry search crew: dogs with the training to find ...
I’m not sure who’s having more fun, musher Michael Tarver or his sled dogs as we charge on through the white wonderland.
This article lists the top 10 dangerous dogs that parents should be cautious about when considering a family pet.
Veterinary practitioner Jimmy Bratley has shared some insights on how those embarking on a spring clean this year can do so ...
Canine Companions, a 50-year-old nonprofit, celebrates with a live puppy cam and calls on people to "raise" future service ...
When Clementine arrived at the Isabella County Animal Shelter almost three years ago, she went unclaimed despite staff’s best effort to find her owners.
A dog trainer has shared an alternative to saying no to your dog when they try to jump up on you. It involves a treat placed ...