The one-metre-long remotely operated vessel was supposed to travel 10,000 kilometres across the Pacific. But five days in, it ...
As summer approaches, a Texas resident shared tips on avoiding sharks at Texas beaches, including precautions for popular ...
Deep-sea fish adapt to some of the most extreme conditions on Earth. New research analyzing their evolution finds the same ...
As the famed North American road gears up to celebrate its centenary, head to Arizona; home to the longest remaining stretch ...
Countries have debated for decades whether to allow mining on the ocean floor, a potential trove of critical minerals. Now, a ...
Unlike the packed sands of more touristy destinations, Bandon’s beaches offer space to breathe, to think, to exist without ...
Iceberg A-84 broke off from Antarctica and revealed a thriving community of sea creatures underneath. Now, researchers are ...
“The law of the sea basically colonized [Pacific peoples’] ocean,” said Frank Murphy, a resident of French Polynesia who ...
Jason Momoa feels honored to have been recognized by National Geographic for his conservation work. The 45-year-old actor was ...
Researchers off the coast of New Zealand caught a rare sight on camera - an octopus hitching a ride on the back of an ...
The sighting “highlights the importance of modern, cost-effective technologies to survey the deep sea and locate these lost ...
Stolen Science," was written to finally set the record straight about scientists and inventors who never received the credit ...