The IntelliPAP Standard is the first CPAP in the IntelliPAP range. It is a fixed pressure device ranging from 3 cm H2O to 20 cm H2O. The DeVilbiss IntelliPAP Standard CPAP System was designed with ...
The newest addition to the DeVilbiss family of oxygen concentrators features an attractive minimalist design that's far less obtrusive in a patient's home. While the design is new, the 5 Liter ...
If you can’t wear a breathing device, such as a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine, a doctor might recommend radiofrequency volumetric tissue reduction (RFVTR). This procedure ...
Mobility equipment manufacturer Drive DeVilbiss Healthcare has announced the launch of a compact and portable mobility scooter that is designed for indoor and outdoor use. The Air Active Scooter has ...
This can be accomplished with continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP). In CPAP, a constant flow of pressurized room air is provided via a face mask. There are also portable travel CPAP devices ...