A healthcare provider can order a stronger prescription shampoo and determine if the dandruff is something more serious, such as eczema, a fungal infection, seborrheic dermatitis (a scaly rash ...
Dry dandruff flakes are considered a mild form of this condition. However, seborrheic dermatitis is usually characterized by an itchy rash with yellowish, crusty, or greasy scales. In babies ...
Dandruff is a mild form of seborrheic dermatitis, which causes flaky, oily, and scaly skin. Dry scalp is dry skin that occurs on the head. Both conditions are fairly common and, combined ...
It might also be dotted with yellow or white crusty scales. You may even find flakes in your eyebrows. This type of dandruff can also affect the skin behind your ears and on the sides of your nose.
So if your dandruff is not improving ... I don't see any thick, scaly plaques that look like psoriasis. I'm just going to check your lymph nodes. Sometimes there's a sign of fungal infection.