Rose Bowl reps are denouncing the Stanford band's halftime performance during the team's game against Iowa, an act that simulated cow tipping and a reference to an online dating site.
From a few limbs above us, our out-of-town cousin Jimmy wailed, “Ollie said he’d teach me how to tip a cow. I didn’t know it was a bull.” I peered up through the leaves. “How can you not ...
Vaquejada, the Brazilian version of cow-tipping, involves two horsemen trying to knock over a bull by pulling on its tail. Brazil's Supreme Court banned the sport earlier this week. Photo ...
Cow Tipping Creamery opened inside Good 2 Go Taco in East Dallas in March with creative confections... Best Icy Treat Shop 2016 | Cow Tipping Creamery | Best Restaurants, Bars, Clubs, Music and ...
Ugh, I’m such a nincompoop. And now for your second question: cow tipping should be America’s national pastime. I mean, baseball is cool and all, but nothing beats people trying and tip cows over at ...