Teaching speaking and listening skills in the primary grades is one of the most impactful things you can do as an educator.
PENSACOLA, Fla. -- "Semper fidelis," always faithful. True to the Corps' motto, when a retired marine was faced with a ...
Partners In Education Foundation’s PIE Patrol distributed almost $8,500 by funding thirteen grants to the district’s schools ...
Last week, school districts across the country found fun and creative ways to celebrate a special holiday in the learning community: Read Across America.
One special guest brought more than just a story to read to a class, however; this guest shared warm hello’s with former students and read a book inspired by life on her family’s small farm to ...
Holly Riesco, a recent Ph.D. graduate; Megan Grizzle and Katie Hill, both doctoral students; and Chris Goering, a professor of English education, released a new book with lessons and activities for ...
Out of all the cool schools we've been to, this one has the "whittiest people" because Whittier Elementary in Salt Lake City is our Cool School of the Week.
A Lowcountry art teacher is hoping to supply her classes with technology to help improve their digital design projects.
Comics in the classrooms make for smarter schoolkids... it's official, according to research carried out by Manchester ...
I do not say any of this lightly. I used to love teaching. I was passionate, and positive. I still love teaching, but that is not what I feel I am doing. I am towing the line, following the ...
The identical twins from Round Top-Carmine High School are ranked 2nd and 4th in their senior class and their grade point ...