Conversations with over a dozen college students across the US revealed fears of developing an over-reliance on AI.
While Loyola has a policy for converting letter grades to grade point averages, the same isn’t true for assigning grades, and ...
Ilana M. Horwitz, Ph.D., a professor from Tulane University, addressed BYU students about the complementary nature between ...
The class of 2025 is the biggest and most diverse in history, with 3.9 million high schoolers graduating this year.
What was he studying in history? The Renaissance? The Industrial Revolution? The Vietnam War? He had no idea. With some ...
Will Geiger estimates that he read about 10,000 college application essays over the course of a years-long career in college ...
Two high school graduates from Tennessee and Connecticut are suing their respective public school systems because they still ...
In an effective feedback culture, students feel safe making mistakes and are provided with opportunities to demonstrate what ...
School leaders from across New Hampshire gathered Tuesday to explore ways that artificial intelligence could be used to make ...
For the second year, an Aquinas College student has penned the winning Zonta Club of Nassau’s (ZCN) Annual United Nations ...
Alabama is the only state where 4th-grade math scores are higher now than they were in 2019, before the pandemic. This is the ...