Using an unbiased approach, this important study discovered a role of Ezh2 in the differentiation of granule neuron precursors, the cell of origin for Shh group of medulloblastoma. Furthermore, the ...
A fiber-optic broadband service provider is investing $40 million in the Charleston suburbs to establish its first South Carolina foothold. Jacksonville, Fla.-based IQ Fiber plans to enter the ...
A research team at the University of Limerick in Ireland has developed a new method of producing carbon fiber while drastically reducing its energy footprint. Researchers at UL are leading a project ...
Purpose: To explore whether stimulation of C-fibers in tibial nerves can induce bladder inhibition by optogenetic transdermal illumination. Methods: Ten rats were injected with AAV2/6-hSyn-ChR2(H134R) ...
The review highlights the different roles played by CHCHD2 and/or CHCHD10 binding to various target proteins (such as OPA-1, OMA-1, PINK, and TDP43) and reveals their non-negligible effects in ...
Here, using simultaneous voltage and calcium two-photon imaging of Purkinje neuron spiny dendrites ... postsynaptic potentials and dendritic calcium spikes evoked by climbing fiber and parallel fiber ...