Much about the Gulf War and especially its lies and subsequent brutality were not reported. Bush himself may not have known all that took place in the military campaign. After all, Dick Cheney ...
From the perspective of ordinary soldiers and airmen--military leaders like Generals Norman Schwarzkopf and Colin Powell--and policymakers in the Bush White House--"The Gulf War" provides an ...
Inaction is not an option, disarmament is a must," Bush said. Iraq pledged to give up weapons of mass destruction following the 1991 Gulf War. But the Bush administration accuses Saddam of ...
HW Bush acted to initiate a war in Iraq instead of imposing economic sanctions, drawing criticism from the American people and members of Congress.
In late January 1991 US president George Bush announced the ... trustee of the National Gulf Veterans Association. Shaun Rusling: ‘It was the morning of the ground war offensive; the sun simply ...
Bush said the move was aimed at halting speculation ... In January 1991, U.S.-led coalition forces attacked Iraq to start the Gulf War. At that time, Kaifu said, “We will use our oil reserves ...
No, not that one, the one President Bush started. No, the first President Bush. Gulf War 1. That makes a lot of chronological sense, as it’s the next big U.S.-involved conflict in which our ...
Cold War, decolonisation throughout Africa, the Iranian Revolution, Perestroika, Tiananmen Square, two Gulf Wars and into the new Millennium. Now it's leaving Bush, to join the rest of BBC News in ...
Japan’s diplomatic documents worked out three decades ago during the Persian Gulf crisis, triggered by Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait in the year after the Cold War ended, were recently ...