Officers found the woman, 23, with an apparent graze wound to the back of her head. She was listed in stable condition. Police said the incident that resulted in her being hurt is ...
A 34-year-old man died from gunshot wounds after a shooting at the Orchard Village Apartment Complex in Orange Cove.
"What bullet wound?" one wrote. "Only problem with this caption is that there is no wound," another added. That same day, ...
They found Marissa Sheeler, 34, with a gunshot wound to her right hand. The gun — a 9 mm Glock — was found on a countertop, according to reports. Sheeler told police the gun had been in her purse.
Once there, police located the victim with a gunshot wound to the head. The male was transported to a hospital and was then pronounced deceased, police reported. Anyone with information on this ...
A 30-year-old man has died after being shot in Park Heights, according to Baltimore Police. On March 15 at around 9:44 p.m., officers responded to a report of a shooting at the 5400 block of Park ...
OAKLAND — An autopsy revealed that a 61-year-old man found dead in his North Oakland apartment March 4 died from a gunshot wound, authorities said Monday. The man’s name has not yet been ...