The El Paso border sector replaced the San Diego sector as the southwest border's busiest in the month of February, according to the most recent CBP data.
El Paso Sector Border Patrol Chief Walter Slosar attributed the decrease to new measures and policies. "We're seeing a significant reduction in those entries," Slosar said, noting that the flow ...
A semi rolled over on the US-54 North Ramp N from the Border highway. According to the El Paso Police Department, the onramp to US-54 is closed to east and west traffic due to the rollover. The Texas ...
A sign warns of sewage contaminated ocean water on a beach in Coronado, California. The entire shoreline of Southern ...
Construction of the border wall has resumed as Trump administration officials work to slow human and drug trafficking ...
Migrant encounters are down along the border ahead of the implementation of Trump's tariffs against Mexican products ...
Victor Manjarrez Jr., former U.S. Border Patrol chief agent in El Paso, Texas, and Tucson, said the flow of weapons from the ...