Steers sold to £2,700 for a 670kgs Charolais from Mr Robert Morrison, Carncullagh. Heifers sold to £2,180 for a 580kgs Hereford from Mr Trevor Christie, Cloughmills. Fat cows sold to £2,170 for an ...
Father-son duo sort through a large Hereford competition during Cattlemen’s Congress in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
So, Willie changed his name to William Patrick Stuart-Houston, settled on Long Island, opened a medical lab in his home, and ...
410 Cattle through the store ring at Hallworthy, with Miss Sarah Kneebone of Launceston topping out with a super deep bodied ...
Just over 70 bulls were presented for sale on the day, made up of Angus, Hereford, Limousin and Friesians. Getting the sale ...
Not content with handling one of Birmingham’s most distinct restaurants (The Wilderness), chef-patron Alex Claridge opened ...
Baldwin echoed that sentiment, noting that all kinds of vegetables can be grown in small pots, large 5-gallon buckets or grow ...
Demand from new and returning commercial clients underpinned the Black Stump Invitational bull sale on Tuesday, March 18, ...
John McDonald, The Hills, Tamworth bought this pen of Brangus steers for $890 to feed out to 450 kg. The steers were sold by ...
Meat farming has a promising future worldwide because production has not increased in recent years, while purchasing power ...
Once again both ringside and online buyers ensured that all types of stock where keenly bid for with steers selling to £2680 ...
W/G Boardwalk Empire won grand champion state fair titles in Ohio, West Virginia, North Carolina, Kansas, Arkansas and ...