Az Orion csillagképben tündöklő Betelgeuse hatalmas, rövid életű csillag, melyről tudósok azt állítják, hogy előbb vagy utóbb ...
Betelgeuse has been in the lens of astronomers for centuries, yet it continues to surprise us. In late 2019 and early 2020, ...
One of the brightest stars in the night sky, Betelgeuse, may not be on the brink of exploding as a supernova, according to a new study of the star's brightening and dimming. Instead, recent ...
For a couple of months now, the nearby star known as Betelgeuse has been acting rather strange. At first, the star appeared to be getting very dim, hinting at the possibility that the Red Giant ...
CINCINNATI (WKRC) - Humans' impact on the moon, Betelgeuse, and the ISS saga coming to a close are a few topics posed to Dean Regas in the new ARC segment called "Ask an Astronomer".
This figure shows measurements of Betelgeuse's brightness from different observatories from late 2018 to present. The blue and green points represent data from ground-based observatories.