Animal physiology is the scientific study of the life-supporting properties, functions and processes of animals or their parts. The discipline covers key homeostatic processes, such as the ...
Biochemical and physiological mechanisms of adaptation of organisms to the marine environment. Special emphasis is on biological responses to temperature, salinity, carbon dioxide, pH and bicarbonate ...
You can find all the questions that Barley will ask you below, along with their answers. Answer the first one is free, and if you get it right you will be able to choose between 150 Groschen or ...
2020; Yu et al., 2021). Hulless barley (Hordeum vulgare L. var. nudum Hook. f.) is an important economic crop (He and Jia, 2008). As the only crop growing at high altitude, the planting area of ...
The Department of Physiology and Pharmacology has combined with the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, to form the new Department of Chemical Physiology and Biochemistry. Find out more ...
1 Pollen Biotechnology of Crop Plants Group, Biological Research Center, CIB-CSIC, Madrid, Spain 2 Department of Genetics, Physiology and Microbiology ... C until use for immunofluorescence. Moreover, ...
The physiology of SD vernalization has been studied extensively in rye, wheat, barley, and oat (Purvis and Gregory, 1937; Dubcovsky et al., 2006; Sampson and Burrows, 1972; Heide, 1994) although it ...
Although many crop plants – including barley and potatoes – are able to form these symbioses, farmers commonly apply fertilizers containing phosphate and other nutrients to their fields to increase ...
Symptoms that are hard to identify, a lack of genetic resistance, and the loss of chlorothalonil have gained ramularia leaf ...