A broad range of providers from academic tutors and speech and music therapists to behavioral health providers will offer ...
Chagrin Valley Residents Kimberly and Jimmy Gibson are launching a new entertainment complex at the former Chagrin Cinemas.
The jackpot on Friday was $150,000. The winning ticket was sold in Columbus. The jackpot on Saturday reset to $100,000. The winning ticket was sold at Sal’s Place in Chagrin Falls. Last summer, FOX 8 ...
The Southwest Georgia Regional Commission offers transportation assistance, but residents believe further action, such as expanding public transit and increasing ride-sharing options are necessary.
Claire Hilbers, 46, of Chagrin Falls does regular polar plunges and competed in the sixth International Ice Swimming ...
After seven years in political retirement, Democratic ex-Ohio Supreme Court Justice Bill O’Neill says he will soon file to challenge Republican U.S. Rep. Dave Joyce next year. O’Neill, a 77-year-old ...
When GQ columnist Chris Black was a lad in pre-internet Atlanta, the style-and-culture glossies The Face and i-D beamed news ...
Years after its theme parks closed, major developments are underway at Geauga Lake. News 5 has confirmed that Meijer plans to start building a store as soon as later this month.
It's major milestone in the redevelopment plan for Geauga Lake. Meijer announced construction will start next month, the ...
The Deer Run Drive property, which overlooks a ravine, dam and waterfall, is nestled between Murfield Village Golf Club and ...
Olentangy Berlin senior Tia Estrada concluded her high school career with the top central Ohio performance in the state gymnastics ... Sofowora also tied for 11th on vault. Sofia Macias of Chagrin ...