Astronomers have detected a repeating radio signal, captured multiple times, originating from an ancient and inactive galaxy.
These jets become elusive the farther back in time astronomers try to look because of the so-called cosmic microwave ...
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) — Telescopes around the world have spotted a monster radio jet streaming from a quasar dating back ...
Telescopes around the world have spotted a monster radio jet streaming from a quasar dating back to the first 1 billion years ...
U.K. scientists say they have made a historic breakthrough by making the first image of the inside of a scroll carbonized by ...
Intrigue: Word of God will explore how a museum, designed to tell the story of the Bible, became embroiled in one of the ...
New research shows that when an asteroid slammed into the moon billions of years ago, it carved out a pair of grand canyons ...
At the East Wind Foundation, in the heart of Los Angeles' Chinatown, young people dedicate their after-school hours and ...
Astronomers tracking mysterious fast radio bursts (FRBs) stumbled upon an unexpected cosmic puzzle. A burst was detected from ...
Groundhog Day predictions about the coming of spring put the spotlight on Punxsutawney Phil every Feb. 2, but celebrating the ...
Let's celebrate Groundhog Day, in all its bizarre, quirky strangeness. Let it remind us that we have not subdued nature, but ...
What’s 66-million-year-old vomit like? A lot more pleasant than the fresh stuff, says paleontologist Jesper Milan.