The Spanish law firm had operated in Portugal as Uría Menéndez Proença de Carvalho for 14 years until Francisco Proença de Carvalho decided to launch his own independent firm.
In the case where the dynamical system is input-affine and the input is restricted to a convex set, decomposition methods may be employed to eliminate the input and yield more tractable ...
Abstract: We consider a nonlinear inverse problem where the unknown is assumed to be piecewise affine, which is motivated by an application in DNA replication analysis. Since traditional algorithmic ...
Java API to perform for image registration using control points (landmarks). Supports rigid transforms and affine transforms. Decouples matrix computation from API, so use of different Java matrix ...
Transformations, i.e. linear invertible automorphisms, are used to map a picture into another one with different size, position and orientation. Given a basis, transformations are represented by means ...
Nature Research Intelligence Topics enable transformational understanding and discovery in research by categorising any document into meaningful, accessible topics. Read this blog to understand ...